In collaboration with graphic designer Jenna Kurinsky and PCMA COO Bruce MacMillan, I contributed to the development of the logo and branding for Project Spark. This innovative AI platform empowers business event strategists with a generative AI tool, bolstered by educational content and engagement sessions, to streamline event planning tasks and enhance efficiency while preserving the invaluable expertise of professionals. 

I created this quick social video, featuring a provided logo animation and illustrative screenshots from Gevme.

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Here are two SEO meta images designed to captivate attention and encourage engagement when posting the link to PCMA’s marketing page on social media.

This quick teaser video was initially part of a short social campaign, targeting Gen X’ers and older Millennials in North America, to build anticipation leading up to the announcement. However, the video was ultimately not used as the decision was made not to livestream the announcement from Frankfurt.

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Finally, have a look at the live product site below or open in a new tab at